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New Hampshire House Bill 1650 Would Legalize Educational Neglect

For Immediate Release: Removing failure to educate from the definition of a neglected child would remove only layer of accountability remaining for homeschoolers Canton, Ma., 01/15/2018—New Hampshire House Bill 1650, which would remove “failure to provide the education… Read More

Jesse M.: “Some of these things would most likely not have been done if they were not required”

“I am grateful that a minimal amount of planning was required at the beginning of the school year and that some type of assessment was required at the end of each school year. I’m also grateful that medical… Read More

Rebecca A.: “I feel I have been denied the opportunity to live up to my potential”

“My days revolved around taking care of my siblings and our home. Our mother would leave her bedroom periodically to yell at us for being too noisy and messy. I spent most of my teenage years being overwhelmed… Read More

Policy Solutions

CRHE was founded by homeschool graduates to advocate for the wellbeing of children being homeschooled today. Current laws do little to protect children’s right to an education or a safe home environment, leaving homeschooled children at risk of child… Read More

Factless Attack on Facts Falls Flat: A response to Joel Kurtinitis’ Op-Ed in the Des Moines Register

Joel Kurtinitis’ opinion piece, “Attacks on homeschooling are short on facts,” published in the Des Moines Register on September 8, 2017, was missing some facts of its own. Kurtinitis claimed that the “neither the Federal Commission to Eliminate… Read More

Savannah Leckie’s Death Implicates Missouri’s Lax Homeschool Oversight

For Immediate Release: The death of a Missouri teen raises questions about the lack of protections for homeschooled children in the state Canton, Ma., 08/29/2017—Earlier this month, the ashes of sixteen-year-old Savannah Leckie’s body were found concealed on… Read More

Gov. Burgum: Don’t Remove Homeschool Accountability

For Immediate Release: North Dakota lawmakers should add assessment options, not create loopholes Canton, Ma., 3/27/2017—North Dakota House Bill 1428, which would allow homeschooling parents in the state to opt out of the state’s assessment requirement if they… Read More

CRHE’s Rachel Coleman Testifies in Iowa

For Immediate Release: Iowa lawmakers hear testimony on protections for at-risk homeschooled children Canton, Ma. 03/14/2017—On Monday, March 6th, Rachel Coleman, Executive Director of the Coalition for Responsible Home Education, testified before Iowa Government Oversight Committee Members in… Read More

House Bill 58 a Boon to Kentucky Homeschooled Students

For Immediate Release: Access to public school athletics programs provides homeschooled students with substantial benefits Canton, Ma. 02/17/2017—House Bill 58, which would allow Kentucky homeschooled students to participate in public school athletics programs and was filed by Kentucky… Read More

Public Funding for Homeschooling Must Come With Accountability

For Immediate Release: The success or failure of public funding for homeschooling rides on how it is structured Canton, Ma., 02/17/2017—Over the past year, the question of public funding for homeschoolers has garnered increased attention. This past September,… Read More

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