We founded CRHE in 2013 to advocate for homeschooled students. In some cases that means advocating for homeschool graduates as well—and in other cases it means involving other homeschool graduates in our efforts! We encourage homeschool alumni to advocate on behalf of current and future homeschooled children—and we do what we can to point alumni towards resources that may help them take the next step in college or their careers.

Our Advocacy

While many homeschooled students have positive experience and graduate well prepared for college or the workforce, there are some who don’t. It was their stories that prompted us to found CRHE. We advocate for basic accountability for homeschooling parents to ensure that homeschooled students receive the academic support and resources they need. We invite you to read more about the importance of such accountability.

We also advocate for a screening system to prevent abusive parents from using homeschooling to isolate their children and hide their abuse. In the most extreme cases these are families you might not consider homeschoolers at all—they remove their children from school after a teacher reports concerns about their welfare, in order to prevent future abuse reports and with no intention to educate their children.

Current statutes don’t do enough to prevent unscrupulous parents from abusing states’ homeschool laws. We want to see this change. Our vision is for homeschooling to be a child-centered educational option, used only to lovingly prepare young people for an open future. We would love to see you help make this vision a reality.

For All Alumni

Our organization is alumni-founded and alumni-run for a reason: We believe that, as former homeschooled children, we are well placed to advocate for children being homeschooled today. We invite you to join us! Here are some things you can do to support our cause:

And of course, you can always contact us!

For Those with Positive Experiences

Please speak up about what made your experience good and how your parents were able to instill in you self-confidence, a love of learning, and provide you with a good education. We know that homeschooling can work; less studied is what factors make homeschooling work.

We invite homeschool alumni with positive experiences to write about what made their homeschool experiences successful. These stories can provide useful and powerful models for future homeschooling parents. Contact us if you would like to share your own story! What made your experience work? What advice would you give parents considering homeschooling?

Those of us with positive experiences should avoid speaking over others whose experiences differ. Take up the cause of your homeschooled peers whose experiences were deficient. Advocate for basic legal oversight of homeschooling; let people know that it is okay to be pro-oversight and pro-homeschooling at the same time.

You can read the perspective of others with positive experiences here:

For Those with Negative Experiences

Homeschool Alumni Reaching Out offers a page of resources geared toward alumni with deficient experiences, offering information on getting a GED, finding a therapist, and opening a bank account, among other things. Get connected. Find support. Read the stories posted at Homeschoolers Anonymous. Know that are not alone.

We have a number of resources for homeschooled graduates with educationally deficient homeschool experiences. If you have limits in your education and would like to learn how you can overcome them, read on! You are not the only one to go through this.

Some homeschool alumni with negative homeschool experiences have come out in support of accountability for homeschooling. These alumni believe that if their parents had been subject to some level of accountability their experiences might have been different.

You can read their stories here:

If you would like to be a part of this change, share your story with us and become add your voice to our efforts to improve homeschooling for present and future homeschoolers.

Some of you may have siblings still at home. We understand how difficult this may be. If you have contact with your siblings, there are things you can do to help them. If your parents are abusing your siblings, you can make a report to social services. If they are failing to educate them, you may be able to report that as well. In some cases, you may need to be persistent, making multiple reports over a period of time.

Don’t be afraid to stand up for your siblings.

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