
At the Coalition for Responsible Home Education, we rely on donations from individuals like you. Most of our donors give small amounts; anything helps. While one-time donations are extremely important, we urge every donor to consider becoming a monthly donor. All monthly donors are automatically enrolled in the CRHE Advocates Program. CRHE Advocates are a passionate group of monthly donors dedicated to helping us make homeschool safe.

As an Advocate, you’ll get exclusive updates on CRHE from the executive director via email. From time to time, you’ll also get written letters, postcards, and CRHE merchandise by mail. Regular monthly donations go a long way toward sustaining our mission. Even a monthly donation of $5 can make a huge difference: support CRHE for the cost of a cup of coffee!

Your gift to CRHE supports our mission of empowering homeschooled children by educating the public and advocating for child-centered, evidence-based policy and practices for families and professionals.

Note that our donation form defaults to one-time donation; to donate monthly, simply click the “Donation Schedule” box and select “Monthly.”

Increase your support of CRHE through a matching gift from your employer! Check with your employer about whether they match charitable donations. Many match-eligible donors don’t know their company offers a matching gift program. Or donate through the Benevity Causes Portal, which connects corporations and individuals with nonprofits.


We are the only nonprofit organization in the United States with a mission to improve the lives of homeschooled children. Founded by homeschool graduates, CRHE understands homeschooling and how homeschooled children’s needs may differ from their peers in public and private schools. We are focused on advancing evidence-based policy and designing resources with homeschooled children and their families in mind.

Your gift to CRHE will be directly applied to advocacy, education, research, and resources with a focus on empowering children and supporting parents who are committed to providing a quality home education. We rely on the generosity of individual donors like you.

Why Your Gift Matters

Three quotes. The first one says "I was unenrolled from public school at 8 years old. My parents had every intention of continuing my education but life got in the way. After having missed a year of school my parents tried putting me back in school but I'd missed so much and the first time my mother was called for a teacher conference she took me out of school again. I never had any additional education until I started GED classes as an adult. I want to keep this from happening to any more children." Lacey Carroll, homeschool graduate. The next quote says, "I am a former public school teacher that has witnessed the difficulties experienced by former homeschool children who tried to transition into the public schools as teens. Both children were functionally illiterate. "I now homeschool, and... have been shocked at how few hours and days some of my fellow mothers choose to homeschool. Homeschool should be a way to enrich - not evade education, and I'd like to see stricter laws and regulations to protect our children." Lisa Burton, home educator, former teacher. The final quote says, "Working for a school district, I see first hand the students that are withdrawn from public school to be homeschooled and know the conditions that they are living in and the education they are not receiving. "Someone needs to advocate for these children and have their best interests in mind, which includes regulations for those being homeschooled and someone checking on these children regularly!" Sarah Walker, school district employee.

Thank You!

“I am inspired by the generosity and care of each of our donors. Your commitment to helping homeschooled children have the best possible educational experiences means the world to me, both in my role at CRHE and because I, too, am a homeschool graduate. You are making a difference every day, and I’m proud to share this journey with you.”

– Angela Grimberg, Executive Director

Read our past annual reports: 

2022: New Momentum
2021: Built to Last
2020: Seizing the Moment
2019: Working for Homeschooled Children
2018: Building a Case for Accountability
2017: There for You
2016: Laying the Groundwork
2015: Changing the Conversation

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