Search: 40 ways

40 Ways to Help Homeschool Kids in Bad Situations

This post was originally published on Homeschoolers Anonymous. It is a list of 40 suggestions offered by members of the Homeschoolers Anonymous community in response to this question: If you grew up in a bad or less-than-ideal family and/or… Read More

How to Become an Advocate for Child Safety

Three kids sit on the grass. Two of them are facing away, but one is looking directly at the camera smiling.

Never underestimate the difference one adult can make in the life of a child. Take a moment to read through our list of 40 Ways to Help Homeschool Kids in Bad Situations. As this list makes clear, the… Read More

Children’s Rights and Child Protection

Children have rights that are independent from those of their parents. For example, children have the right to be cared for and to not be abused. Children also have the right to access information and develop their talents…. Read More

For Family & Friends

Many people have friends, neighbors, or family members who homeschool. Perhaps your cousin homeschools her children, or maybe it is your neighbor who homeschools his children. You may be curious, supportive, or concerned. Whichever it is, our goal… Read More

Responding to Abuse & Neglect

CRHE was founded in 2013 by homeschool graduates. To date, we are the only child advocacy organization founded and run by individuals who were homeschooled, focusing on the rights of children who are homeschooled. CRHE was born out… Read More

Make Homeschool Safe Act

Make Homeschool Safe Act Take a stand for homeschooled children’s right to be safe, to learn, and to access resources. JOIN US It’s time to make homeschool safe. Our nation has laws that ensure children can get a… Read More

The test score myth and homeschooled students’ academic performance

A very common claim in conversations about homeschooling is that research proves homeschooled students perform better on standardized tests than their peers in school. This claim, however, is based on a few well-known studies that scholars have repeatedly… Read More

Report Educational Neglect

Reporting a homeschool family for educational neglect should not be done lightly. Please read our Recognizing a Problem page for help recognizing educational neglect in a homeschool setting. However, if you have reasonable cause to suspect that educational neglect is… Read More

Valerie: “I know that not everyone in my position is so lucky”

At first, being home seemed fun and easy. However, as the subjects progressed, I felt myself falling behind. I would overhear other kids at the co-op talking about their classes and I was never learning about any of… Read More

CRHE Joins Anti-Child Marriage Coalition

In October of 2021 The Coalition of Responsible Home Education proudly joined 56 other children’s rights and child protection organizations as a member of the National Coalition to End Child Marriage in the United States. In joining the… Read More

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