CRHE Condemns Neo-Nazi Homeschool Network

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The Coalition for Responsible Home Education (CRHE), the nation’s leading homeschooled children’s rights nonprofit, condemns the actions of the Dissident Homeschool community and warns the public that the group’s actions were possible because of inadequate… Read More

Homeschool Organization Has Advice for New Homeschooling Parents

For Immediate Release: The Coalition for Responsible Home Education is offering an introductory course for new homeschooling families 07/16/2020—In the midst of a global pandemic and the potential for widespread rolling school closures in the fall, the Coalition… Read More

Homeschool Group Offers Advice to Educators

For Immediate Release: Group run by homeschool alumni promotes research on distance learning and supporting socially isolated students 05/12/2020—The Coalition for Responsible Children (CRHE) believes research on homeschooling and online schooling has much to offer educators as they… Read More

Homeschool Group Publishes Report for Child Welfare Workers

For Immediate Release: Group run by homeschool alumni advises social workers on supports for children isolated due to COVID-19 05/12/2020—The Coalition for Responsible Children (CRHE) is offering advice to child welfare professionals on supporting children isolated at home… Read More

Homeschool Group Supports Accountability For Charter Funds

For Immediate Release: Public-private partnerships serve students, but taxpayer funding must come with public accountability 05/11/2020—The Coalition for Responsible Home Education (CRHE) supports the California legislature in its efforts to create responsible guidelines for charter schools that enroll… Read More

Group Wants Homeschooling Included in Connecticut Vaccine Debate

For Immediate Release: Alumni group warns that homeschooling was not designed as a means for avoiding state immunization requirements 02/27/2020—The Coalition for Responsible Home Education (CRHE), a national nonprofit organization that advocates for homeschooled children, is urging Connecticut… Read More

Washington State: Public Funds for Homeschooling Could Be Abused

For Immediate Release: The proposed measure could create perverse incentives by giving parents who homeschool up to $10,000 per child in unaccountable public funds 02/21/2020—The Coalition for Responsible Home Education (CRHE), a national nonprofit organization that advocates for… Read More

Wisconsin Bills Would End Homeschool Sports Gray Area

For Immediate Release: National alumni group is in favor of homeschool sports access 02/21/2020—The Coalition for Responsible Home Education (CRHE), a national nonprofit that advocates for homeschooled children, is encouraging Wisconsin lawmakers to support Assembly Bill 779 and… Read More

Homeschool Group Supports Mississippi Subject Requirements

For Immediate Release: Homeschooling parents should be required to provide their children with instruction in the same basic subjects other students study 02/19/2020—The Coalition for Responsible Home Education (CRHE), a national nonprofit organization that advocates for homeschooled children, supports… Read More

Homeschool Group Opposes Arizona Bill Creating Fines for Truancy

For Immediate Release: The harder school districts make it for families to resolve chronic truancy, the more they push potentially unprepared families into homeschooling 02/19/2020—The Coalition for Responsible Home Education (CRHE), a national nonprofit organization that advocates for… Read More

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