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Get Involved in Homeschool Reform

2017 has brought with it increased interest in political activism and in participation in the political process. This presents an opportunity for those interested in homeschool reform. While it may seem like there are so many issues at… Read More

How to Contact Your Legislators

How to Contact Your Legislators Contacting your legislators is an important part of homeschool reform. In many cases lawmakers may not be aware of this issue, or of the concerns involved. You can create change by reaching out to… Read More

Reactionary Homeschooling

At CRHE, we sometimes receive questions from individuals planning in advance to homeschool. Sometimes they intend to homeschool because of negative experiences they had attending public school as children. In other cases they plan to homeschool because they have… Read More

At-Risk Children

An Overview for Policymakers In 2008, eleven-year-old Cheyenne Wolf, a disabled girl in rural Oklahoma, was murdered by her parents; her body was concealed in storage bags and her death did not come to light for over a… Read More

2016 Homeschool Athletics Survey: Full Responses

These quotes are from our 2016 Homeschool Athletics Survey, which analyzed the athletic experiences and attitudes of 150 homeschool alumni. These are the full responses to each open-ended question, with the state in which each respondent was homeschooled noted. Our goal is to… Read More

2016 Homeschool Athletics Survey

ABSTRACT: This survey involved 150 homeschool graduates, who were asked about their athletics participation and perspectives on homeschool athletics. Respondents were located through homeschool advocacy groups’ facebook pages; this survey likely oversampled individuals with negative or mixed homeschool experiences. Respondents… Read More

Lillie S.: “I was never once asked if I felt safe at home”

“I was never once asked if I felt safe at home. I was never asked if lessons frequently degenerated into screaming and tears. I wasn’t asked if my sister and I were hit on a semi-daily basis. No… Read More

Should We Be Concerned about Low Homeschool SAT-Taking?

One of the homeschool lobby’s most touted claims is that homeschooled students score higher than public school students on the SAT. This claim, highlighted in a June 2016 news release by the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI),… Read More

Sarah M.: “These assessments turned out to be easily avoided”

“Although Pennsylvania had homeschooling oversight on the books, they failed to reliably enforce it. Even within my local school district I knew families with vastly different experiences with the district office” I‘m the oldest of six children, raised… Read More

The “Unsocialized Homeschooler” and “Uneducated Homeschooler” Narratives

Last month, I dealt with the narratives that surround homeschooled elite athletes like Simone Biles, musical wunderkind, and homeschoolers who attend college early or gain admission to Ivy League schools. Like many other homeschooled students I knew, I… Read More

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