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For Homeschool Alumni

We founded CRHE in 2013 to advocate for homeschooled students. In some cases that means advocating for homeschool graduates as well—and in other cases it means involving other homeschool graduates in our efforts! We encourage homeschool alumni to advocate on… Read More

Media Coverage

2024 Catherine Collins, 3 Ways to Prepare Your Family Financially For Homeschooling, MSN, May 2024 Anna Saunders, Boone child death case sparks conversation about homeschooling assessments, oversight, WCHS, June 4, 2024 Rachel Ulatowski, UFC Fighter’s Remarks Highlight the… Read More

The Sandy Hook Advisory Commission Moves to Support Homeschoolers

In the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy, where twenty elementary school children and six teachers were gunned down in December 2012, the state of Connecticut convened a panel to find ways to reduce the risk of future… Read More

How My Parents’ Homeschooling Methods Empowered Me to Follow My Dreams

I recently strolled down homeschool memory lane, googling the titles of fondly-remembered novels, asking my mom for an inventory of her closet stuffed with educational board games, recalling how one co-op teacher tied calculus to cryptography. My amble… Read More

The Homeschool Math Gap: The Data

The question of how homeschooled students fare academically has been raised countless times over the past three-and-a-half decades. Numerous volunteer-based studies have compared homeschooled students’ percentile scores on standardized tests with the national average and other studies have… Read More

Why Homeschooling Needs Oversight: Responding to HSLDA and WORLD

Today WORLD Magazine posted an article listing our policy recommendations alongside a response by the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). The article’s author, Daniel Devine, did not offer us space to respond, so we will do so… Read More

CRHE to World Magazine: Don’t Downplay Abuse and Neglect

Today WORLD Magazine—an evangelical Christian news magazine established in 1986—published an article titled “Homeschool debate: How to keep a few bad apples from spoiling the bushel,” written by Daniel Devine. CRHE corresponded extensively with Devine prior to this… Read More

State Histories of Homeschooling

Milton Gaither, educational historian and author of Homeschool: An American History, once described the difficult task of writing the legal history of homeschooling as follows: One of the greatest achievements of the homeschooling movement was the legalization of homeschooling… Read More

A History of Homeschooling in Colorado

The story of homeschooling in Colorado in the 1980s is really two stories. State law allowed for homeschooling with approval of the State Board of Education, but many homeschooling parents found the requirements of the state board too… Read More

How to Report Homeschool Educational Neglect by State

Reporting a homeschool family for educational neglect should not be done lightly. Please read our Recognizing a Problem page for help recognizing educational neglect in a homeschool setting. However, if you have reasonable cause to suspect that educational neglect is… Read More

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