Tag: alumni testimonial

Erika S.: “Verbal and physical abuse was a norm”

“My ‘education’ was in spite of my homeschool education.” My experience homeschooling was a fight to survive and every day a focus to cultivate skills for after I left. I went to public school through 6th grade and… Read More

Jane N.: “We were completely cut off from the outside world”

“Even when taken to the doctor, I was not allowed to see them without a parent present. I think this was because my mother was afraid what we might say. I believe I was pulled out of public… Read More

Rai Storm: “There was no gratefulness. There was no escape. It just went on and on.”

“When I was in regular school, I had several adults telling me that I was smart, that I was kind, that I was capable of producing good things and of being a good person. When I was homeschooled,… Read More

Brittany Randolph: “As time went on, our schedule became looser and looser”

“My sister and I were fine with this at first. No school! We could spend time on the things we actually wanted to do. One thing, though, is that none of these things involved friends, at least not… Read More

Rebecca F.: “The physical abuse and neglect was obvious to me from a very early age”

“Although parents had to submit lists of textbooks that they were using for each grade as part of their report to the local school district, it became apparent that the school district didn’t know what to do with this, and didn’t read the reports at all.”

Jennifer I.: “All that was required was a note every year”

“Most of my homeschooled peers were much like me, in that they were handed a textbook and then expected to essentially teach themselves from grade eight on.” I was homeschooled from K-12 alongside my siblings by my mother,… Read More

Jesse M.: “Some of these things would most likely not have been done if they were not required”

“I am grateful that a minimal amount of planning was required at the beginning of the school year and that some type of assessment was required at the end of each school year. I’m also grateful that medical… Read More

Rebecca A.: “I feel I have been denied the opportunity to live up to my potential”

“My days revolved around taking care of my siblings and our home. Our mother would leave her bedroom periodically to yell at us for being too noisy and messy. I spent most of my teenage years being overwhelmed… Read More

Maria M.: “I’m still playing catch-up”

Ultimately, it is me who pays the price. I’m now 25 and I’m still playing catch-up. My Math and Science skills are at an 8th grade level and I’ll have to spend a few years in remedial classes… Read More

Lillie S.: “I was never once asked if I felt safe at home”

“I was never once asked if I felt safe at home. I was never asked if lessons frequently degenerated into screaming and tears. I wasn’t asked if my sister and I were hit on a semi-daily basis. No… Read More