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Homeschooling & Child Abuse

CRHE was founded in 2013 to address a problem: the use of homeschooling to isolate or abuse children. While there are homeschooled children who experience a positive, child-centered learning environment at home, this is not always the case:… Read More

Correcting the Record (Rudner 1999)

Click here to view this document as a pdf. One of the sources most commonly cited to support claims that homeschoolers outperform public schoolers academically is Home Schooling Works!, a 1999 web summary of the findings of a… Read More

Research with an Agenda (Ray 2010)

Click here to view this document as a pdf. One of the publications most widely cited to support the claim that homeschoolers have higher levels of academic achievement than other children is Dr. Brian D. Ray’s Progress Report… Read More

Control of Diplomas & Transcripts

In some cases, abusive homeschool parents use their total control over their children’s education documents—such as their transcripts or diplomas—to control their children. In other cases, neglectful homeschool parents simply fail to create these documents for their children…. Read More

The Cardus Education Survey

The Cardus Education Survey, which was designed to study adult graduates of Christian schools in North America, was conducted between 2007 and 2012 by the Canadian Christian think tank Cardus. Reports on the study were published in 2011… Read More

Ryan Stollar: “Not everyone had parents like I did”

“That moment made me realize that, while my parents were highly invested in us jumping through all the hoops to make sure we succeeded, not all parents are like that. Not all homeschool parents know how to educate their children — let alone educate them well. Not all homeschool parents care about the quality of their children’s education. Even the parents that co-existed with mine, that went to all the same meetings and conventions that mine did.”

Rachel Coleman: “Good homeschooling … is not something that happens automatically”

“I was homeschooled in Indiana, a state with no oversight of homeschooling. My parents did not even have to file notice of homeschooling. All of the things my parents did—creating curriculum plans, putting together annual portfolios, having us tested—they did in an effort to homeschool us effectively and responsibly. My parents would not have found oversight of homeschooling an inconvenience or burden because they already voluntarily did everything effective homeschool oversight generally requires.”


Homeschool statute: Parents must submit a one-time notice with the local public school principal, provide sequential instruction in a variety of subjects, maintain a curriculum record for each child, have their children tested at the end of grades 3,… Read More

Homeschooling by the Numbers

Most states do not collect data on the number of students being homeschooled; this makes determining the exact number of homeschooled children impossible. We can, however, make estimates. The most accurate estimates we have are those released every… Read More

Homeschooling & Educational Neglect

Homeschooling is an educational method; like any other educational method, it can succeed and it can fail. Given its individual nature, homeschooling is prone to far more variability than other educational methods. Parents who choose homeschooling take on a… Read More

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