Search: 40 ways

How to Make Your Homeschool Community Safe

Over the past several decades, organizations across the country have instituted child protection policies. In recent years, churches have joined this trend as well, instituting background checks and other child abuse prevention measures. Your homeschool community, too, should… Read More

Homeschool Umbrella Schools

While some families homeschool “autonomously,” choosing and implementing their own curriculum and carefully meeting the requirements of their state’s homeschool law, other families prefer the additional support offered by homeschool umbrella schools.  In homeschool umbrella schools:  Students are… Read More

Joining a Homeschool Group

As you begin your homeschooling journey, you should become familiar with your local, state, and regional homeschooling groups and co-ops. These are typically grassroots groups created and organized by fellow home educators in your area.  Because these groups… Read More

Access to School District Resources

Because homeschooling law varies, your level of contact with your local school district may also vary—some states require home educators to turn in annual paperwork to their local school district; some states require paperwork to be submitted to… Read More

Public and Charter School Partnerships

At CRHE, we view homeschooling as a big tent movement that includes a lot of different methods, programs, and options—including public and charter school programs that serve students learning at home. A growing number of public and charter… Read More

Homeschool Resources & Support

No parent can effectively homeschool completely on their own. Children need a variety of teachers, adult role models, and access to peers, and every parent needs a support system. Fortunately, there are many resources out there for home… Read More

Choosing a Standardized Test

Are you homeschooling and unsure of what standardized test to use? You’re not alone! With all of the options available, it can be hard to know which one is best for your child. If you are unfamiliar with… Read More

Introduction to Standardized Testing

Home educators have their children take standardized tests for a number of different reasons. Some parents may have their child tested because it is required by their state’s homeschool law, or because they want to include test results… Read More

Reanna G.: “Homeschooling was not in MY best interest.”

“My goal one day is to help give children a voice about whether or not they wish to be homeschooled or go to public school.” I was homeschooled. It has to be the worst aspect of my childhood…. Read More

How to Use State Learning Standards

Each state has created or endorsed a set of learning goals for children in public schools. These learning goals are called state standards. Standards do not say how the student should learn over the course of the year,… Read More

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