Homeschool law varies by state. Some states have statutes that mandate things like annual notification, required subjects, and academic assessments. Other states have few to no requirements. In fact, some states do not have homeschool statutes; in these states, parents typically homeschool under statutes designed to govern private schools. Click on your state to learn more about its requirements, or go inside homeschool policy to learn more.


Alabama law allows parents to educate their children at home through enrollment in a church school or private school, or under the state’s private tutor law. Most parents choose the church school option. Many church schools exist solely for the purpose of enrolling homeschooled students.

  • Church school: Parents may homeschool under the state’s church school law by enrolling their children in church schools and teaching them at home. Parents must provide one-time notice to the local school district and maintain attendance records. There are no parent qualification, instruction time, subject, or assessment requirements.
  • Private school: Parents may enroll their children in a private school’s “home program.” Parents may also create their own private schools, but must provide annual notice, maintain attendance records, submit other reports, maintain immunization records, and offer physical education (the state’s private school law does not have teacher qualification, instruction time, subject, or assessment requirements).
  • Private tutor: Parents may homeschool under the private tutor law, which requires one-time notice, a teaching certificate, 140 days of instruction “in the several branches of study required to be taught in the public schools of this state,” attendance records, and other reports, but has no assessment requirement.

Compulsory attendance applies to children “between the ages of six and 17 years.” A parent may postpone enrolling a child in school until he or she is seven by notifying the local school board in writing. See Alabama Code § 16-28-3.

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Alaska law offers four homeschool options:

  • Homeschool statute: Alaska has an extremely lax homeschool statute. There are no requirements—no notification, parent qualification, instruction time, subject, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements.
  • Correspondence program: These programs, run by public or charter schools, require annual education plans, monthly teacher contact, quarterly progress reviews, and testing after grades 3 through 10. They offer education funding and official diplomas.
  • Private tutor: Parents must have a teaching certificate and instruction “comparable to that offered by the public schools in the area.” There are no notification, hours of instruction, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements.
  • Private school: Operating a homeschool as a private school requires annual notice, 180 days of instruction “comparable to that offered by the public schools,” attendance, immunization, and academic records, and testing after grades 4, 6, and 8 (scores not submitted).

The first two options, the homeschool statute and the correspondence program, are used by the majority of homeschoolers in Alaska. The remaining two options, the private tutor statute and operating as a private school, are not used by many homeschoolers in Alaska today. They were used by many early Alaska homeschoolers, though, and are still on the books.

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Arizona has one homeschool option:

  • Homeschool statute: Parents must submit one-time notification to the local school district and must provide instruction in reading, grammar, math, social studies, and science. There are no parent qualification, hours of instruction, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements. Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must offer annual notice to the local school district. Homeschooling is prohibited if a sex offender lives in the household. There are no other parent qualifications and no hours of instruction, subjects of instruction, record keeping, or assessment requirements. Learn more.

California has four homeschool options.

  • Private school: Parents may operate a homeschool as an individual private school. Parents must file annual notice with the state’s Superintendent of Public Instruction, be “capable of teaching” (officials have no authority to determine whether or not a parent meets this requirement), provide instruction in “the several branches of study required in public schools,” and keep attendance and various other records. There are no hours of instruction or assessment requirements.
  • Private school satellite program: Parents may homeschool as a satellite of a supervising private school. The requirements are the same except that parents enroll their children in the supervising private school rather than filing with the state.
  • Private tutor: Parents may homeschool under the private tutor law, which requires a teaching certificate and 175 days of instruction in “the several branches of study required in public schools” but has no notification, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements.
  • Independent study program: Parents may educate their children at home through “independent study” programs operated by public or charter schools.

Most homeschoolers have traditionally used the first two options, operating their homeschools as private schools or enrolling in an umbrella school. However, an increasing number of children are being homeschooled through independent study programs.

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Colorado law offers three homeschool options:

  • Homeschool statute: Parents must provide annual notice, offer 172 days of instruction in reading, writing, and speaking, mathematics, history, civics, literature, science, and the U.S. Constitution, and have their children assessed at the end of grades 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 (by testing  or portfolio evaluation). The results of these assessments must be reported to the school district, and students who do not make sufficient academic progress may be required to attend school.
  • Independent school: Parents may enroll children in “an independent or parochial school which provides a basic academic education” and pursue a course of home-based study. The children must be enrolled for at least 172 days and the independent or parochial school must provide instruction in reading, writing, and speaking, mathematics, history, civics, literature, science, and the U.S. Constitution. There are no state notification, parent qualification, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements.
  • Private tutor: Parents who have a teaching certificate may homeschool under the private tutor law. There are no notification, hours of instruction, subject, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements.

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Connecticut has one homeschool option.

  • Alternative instruction provision: Connecticut law exempts children receiving instruction “elsewhere” from compulsory school attendance. Parents must offer “equivalent instruction in the studies taught in the public schools.” There are no notification, parent qualification, instruction time, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements.

Early on, the Connecticut Board of Education created guidelines for determining whether a homeschooled child is receiving equivalent instruction. While these guidelines include both annual notification and annual portfolio reviews, they are administrative suggestions rather than legal mandates and do not appear to be widely followed or enforced. Learn more.

Delaware’s homeschool statute states that “a ‘homeschool’ is considered a nonpublic school” and offers three options for homeschooling:

  • Single-family homeschool: Parents must submit annual enrollment and attendance reports to the Delaware Department of Education. There are no parent qualification, instruction time, subject, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements.
  • Multi-family homeschool: Parents must submit annual enrollment and attendance reports to the Delaware Department of Education. There are no parent qualification, instruction time, subject, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements. One parent must serve as the designated liaison.
  • Single-family homeschool coordinated with the local school district: While technically still on the books, this option has been discontinued.

For a definition of each option, see Del. Code Ann. tit. 14 § 2703A. For the entire homeschool statute, see Del. Code Ann. tit. 14 § 2703A and § 2704.  

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Summary: The District Code of Municipal Regulations governs homeschooling. Parents must provide annual notice to the Office of the State Superintendent (OSSE). Parents providing instruction must have a high school diploma or its equivalent (or obtain a waiver based on evidence of competency), provide “thorough, regular instruction of sufficient duration,” maintain a portfolio of their children’s work, and make that portfolio available should the OSSE request to review it. While there is a remediation process should the OSSE determine upon review of a student’s portfolio that “thorough, regular instruction” is not being provided, the OSSE is not required to conduct regular reviews of all portfolios. Learn more.

Florida law offers three homeschool options:

  • Homeschool statute: Parents must provide one-time notice to the local superintendent, maintain a portfolio of their children’s work, and have their children assessed annually (by standardized test or portfolio evaluation). There are no parent qualification, hours of instruction, or subject requirements. The assessments must be turned in to the local superintendent; if students are not making suitable educational progress parents will have a year to correct deficiencies.
  • Umbrella school: Parents may enroll their children in a private school created to serve as a homeschool “umbrella” school. Parents must provide 180 days of instruction and maintain attendance and immunization records. There are no notification, parent qualification, subject, or assessment requirements.
  • Private tutor: Parents with teaching certificates may homeschool under the private tutor option. Parents must provide 180 days of instruction and maintain basic records, but there are no notification, subject, or assessment requirements.

Most Florida homeschool parents use one of the first two options.

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  • Homeschool statute: Parents must have a high school diploma or GED, provide annual notice to the Georgia Department of Education, provide 180 days of instruction in a variety of required subjects, write annual progress reports for each child, and have each child tested every three years beginning in third grade. Neither the progress reports nor the standardized test scores are turned in to either state or local education officials. Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must submit a one-time notice with the local public school principal, provide sequential instruction in a variety of subjects, maintain a curriculum record for each child, have their children tested at the end of grades 3, 5, 8, and 10, and submit an annual assessment for each child (by standardized test, portfolio review, or written evaluation). There are no teacher qualification or hours of instruction requirements. If a child’s progress is not adequate, the parents must create a remediation plan and are given the opportunity to correct deficiencies. Learn more.
  • Alternative instruction provision: Idaho law exempts students being “privately instructed” from compulsory school attendance. Parents must provide instruction in “subjects commonly and usually taught in the public schools of Idaho.” There are no notification, parent qualification, instruction time, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements. Learn more.
  • Private school: Parents may operate homeschools as private schools. Parents must provide instruction in “the branches of education taught to children of corresponding age and grade in the public schools.” There are no notification, parent qualification, instruction time, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements. Learn more.
  • Private school: Parents may operate homeschools as private schools. Parents must provide 180 days of “instruction equivalent” to that provided in public schools and must keep attendance records. There are no notification, parent qualification, or assessment requirements. Learn more.

Iowa’s homeschool statute offers three homeschool options.

  • Independent Private Instruction: Parents must provide instruction in math, science, reading and language arts, and social studies, but there are no notification, parent qualification, instruction time, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements.
  • Competent Private Instruction (option 1): Parents must provide annual notice and homeschool under the supervision of a certified teacher who will record and monitor the child’s progress. There are no instruction time or subject requirements.
  • Competent Private Instruction (option 2): Parents must provide 148 days of instruction and students must make adequate progress, but there are no parent qualification, subjects of instruction, or bookkeeping requirements, and notification and assessment are optional.

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  • Parents may operate a homeschool as a Non-Accredited Private School. Parents must register once with the state Board of Education, and must provide instruction for a period of time “substantially equivalent” to that of public schools. Parents must be “competent,” but state officials have no authority to determine a parent’s competency. There are no subject, bookkeeping or assessment requirements. Learn more.
  • Private school: Parents may operate homeschools as private schools. Parents must provide an annual notice of enrollment to the local board of education, keep attendance, and provide 185 days of instruction in the same branches of study as are required in public schools. There are no parent qualification or assessment requirements. Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must submit annual notice to the Louisiana Department of Education, and must include either a packet of materials or an assessment (by standardized test or portfolio evaluation) with each subsequent year’s notice. Approval may be denied if a child is not making appropriate progress. Parents must offer 180 days of instruction and provide a “sustained curriculum of quality at least equal to that offered by public schools.” There are no parent qualifications or bookkeeping requirements.
  • Private school: Parents may operate homeschools as private schools. Parents must submit an annual enrollment report to the state Louisiana Department of Education and are required to provide 180 days of instruction. There are no parent qualification, subject, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements.

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  • Homeschool statute: Parents must provide one-time notice to both the local school district and the Maine Department of Education, offer 175 days of instruction in a variety of required subjects, and have their children assessed annually (by standardized test or by portfolio review performed either by a certified teacher or by a homeschool association). Parents must submit each child’s assessment with each subsequent year’s notice, and must keep each assessment on file. While portfolio evaluations must include the evaluator’s “acceptance” of the student’s progress, there is no minimum score for those who choose the standardized test assessment option. There is no parent qualification requirement.
  • Private school/Umbrella school: Parents may also choose to operate a homeschool as a private school, providing annual notice with safety compliance and enrollment data and offering 175 days of instruction in a variety of required subjects. There is no assessment requirement, but to operate as a private school a homeschool must include at least two unrelated children. In some cases, homeschoolers have come together to create what become de facto umbrella schools, private schools enrolling multiple homeschool families.

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Maryland’s homeschool statute offers two options:

  • School district: Parents must provide annual notice of intent to homeschool to the local superintendent, provide “regular, thorough instruction in the studies usually taught in the public schools to children of the same age,” and maintain a portfolio of each student’s work and allow the local superintendent to review it up to three times a year. There are no parent qualification requirements. Should the superintendent determine that the required instruction is not being provided, the parent will be given the opportunity to correct deficiencies.
  • Umbrella school: Parents may homeschool under the supervision of a church school or an approved private school. In both cases, parents must provide annual notice to the local superintendent and supervising schools must provide “textbooks, lesson plans, and other instructional materials or equipment.” Church school officials must conduct annual site visits while approved private schools must assign each homeschool a supervising teacher. There is no assessment requirement for students homeschooled under a supervising school. Maryland requires approved private schools to go through an approval process and meet certain educational requirements, but exempts church schools from all requirements.

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  • Alternative instruction provision: Massachusetts law exempts children who are “otherwise instructed in a manner approved in advance by the superintendent or the school committee” from compulsory school attendance. Oversight of homeschooling thus falls to the local school districts, who are given some latitude in setting their own requirements. Parents must seek approval from their local school districts to homeschool. Districts may not require parents to have a college degree or teaching certification, but they may require parents to provide the “equivalent” of 180 days of instruction to that provided in the public schools, they may require parents to keep records, and they may require annual assessments (generally by standardized test or portfolio review). Districts may deny parents approval to homeschool, but to do so they must be able to show that the proposed program of instruction does not equal “in thoroughness and efficiency, and in the progress made therein, that in the public schools in the same town.” Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must provide “an organized educational program in the subject areas of reading, spelling, mathematics, science, history, civics, literature, writing, and English grammar.” There are no notification, parent qualification, instruction time, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements.
  • Private school: Parents may operate homeschools as private schools, thus gaining access to a wider array of services. Parents must provide annual notice, have at least a bachelor’s degree or a teaching certificate (this requirement is waived in the case of religious objections), provide instruction in subjects “comparable to those taught in the public schools to children of corresponding age and grade,” and keep basic records. There are no instruction time or assessment requirements.

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  • Homeschool statute: Parents must provide annual notice of homeschooling to the local superintendent, offer instruction in reading, writing, literature, fine arts, math, science, history, geography, government, health, and physical education, maintain academic records, and have their children tested annually. Parents are not required to submit the test results, and there is no minimum score. Teacher qualifications apply only to instructors who are not children’s parents, and academic records need only be submitted when enrolling a previously homeschooled child in public school. There are no instruction time requirements. Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must file annual notice of intent to homeschool with the local school district and provide 180 days of instruction. There are no teacher qualification, subject, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements. Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must provide required hours of instruction in reading, math, social studies, language arts, and science, must maintain basic academic records. There are no notification, parent qualification, or assessment requirements, and students’ academic records may only be inspected in case of legal investigation. Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must file annual notice with the local superintendent, provide required hours of instruction in “the subjects required of public schools as a basic instructional program,” and maintain attendance and immunization records. There are no parent qualification or assessment requirements. Learn more.
  • Private school: Parents may operate homeschools as private schools. Parents must file annual notice and provide a required number of hours of instruction in language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and health. There are no parent qualification, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements. Learn more. 
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must file one-time notice with the local superintendent and must provide instruction in English, reading, composition, writing, mathematics, science, social studies, history, geography, economics, and government. There are no parent qualifications, instruction time, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements. Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must file one-time notice with a participatory agency (either the commissioner of education, the local district superintendent, or the principal of a private school), provide instruction in required subjects, maintain a portfolio of their children’s work, and have their children assessed annually (by standardized test or portfolio review). There are no parent qualifications or required instruction time. The annual assessments are not submitted to the participatory agencies and cannot be used as a reason for terminating a homeschool program. Learn more.
  • Alternative education provision: New Jersey law exempts students who “receive equivalent instruction elsewhere than at school” from compulsory school attendance. Parents must provide “equivalent instruction” between ages 6 to 16, but there are no notification, parent qualification, instruction time, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements. Learn more. 
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must provide annual notice to the Superintendent of Education, have a high school diploma or its equivalent, and offer instruction in reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. Parents must maintain immunization records, but there are no other bookkeeping requirements and there is no assessment requirement. Learn more. 
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must file annual notice with the local superintendent, compose and file annual individualized instruction plans, and turn in quarterly progress reports. Parents must provide the “substantial equivalent” of 180 days of instruction in a detailed list of required subjects that varies by grade. While individuals providing instruction must be “competent,” there are no teacher qualifications. Students must be assessed annually, some years by standardized test and other years by a choice of standardized test or portfolio evaluation. Assessments must be turned in to the local superintendent. Should a student not make adequate progress, the homeschool will be placed on probation and the parents must create a remediation plan. Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must file a one-time form with the Department of Non-Public Instruction, have their children tested annually, and keep attendance records, immunization records, and test scores on file. Parents providing instruction must have a high school diploma or its equivalent and operate their homeschools “on a regular schedule” for nine months each year. There are no subject requirements or minimum test scores, and while parents are required to make test scores available for inspection in their homes, they are not required to submit them and the Department of Non-Public Instruction does not currently inspect homeschool records. Learn more. 
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must file annual notice with the local superintendent, create annual reports, and provide instruction in the same subjects required in public schools. Parents must have a high school diploma or GED or be monitored by a certified teacher. Students must be tested during grades 4, 6, 8, and 10 unless their parents claim a moral, philosophical, or religious exemption and have at least a bachelor’s degree. Test results must be filed with the local superintendent, and who will require remediation for students not making academic progress. Homeschooled students with disabilities must have service plans. North Dakota is the only state that offers homeschooled students the opportunity to earn an official high school diploma. Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must submit annual notification to the local superintendent, including an outline of the planned curricula, have a high school diploma or GED (or homeschool under someone with a bachelor’s degree), provide 900 hours of instruction in a variety of subjects, and have their children assessed annually (by standardized test or portfolio review). There is a remediation process for homeschooled students in need of academic intervention. There are no bookkeeping requirements.
  • Private school: A homeschool may operate as an “08 school” if there is a religious objection to government oversight and the parent providing instruction has a bachelor’s degree. Parents must provide annual notice to the Ohio Department of Education, keep attendance records, and provide 182 days of instruction in a variety of subjects. There is no assessment requirement.

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  • Alternative instruction provision: Oklahoma law exempts students for whom “other means of education are provided” from compulsory school attendance. Parents must provide 180 days of instruction, but there are no notification, parent qualification, subject, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements. Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must provide one-time notice to their local Education Service District and have their children tested at the end of grades 3, 5, 8, and 10. There are no parent qualification, hours of instruction, bookkeeping, or subject requirements. There is an intervention process for students who score below a certain threshold, but parents must submit their children’s test results only if requested by their local Education Service District. Students with disabilities are assessed according to a privately developed plan. Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must submit annual notice to the local superintendent, have a high school diploma or its equivalent, provide 180 days of instruction in a wide range of subjects that vary by grade, maintain a portfolio of academic records and test results, have their children tested in grades 3, 5, and 8, and have their children assessed annually by portfolio review. The evaluator’s certification that an appropriate education is taking place must be submitted to the local superintendent, who may ask for another evaluation at any time if there is reason to believe the children are not making appropriate academic progress. Homeschooling is not permitted if a parent, guardian, or adult in the household has been convicted of certain criminal offenses, and parents wishing to homeschool a student with disabilities must have written approval from a provider.
  • Private tutor: Parents may homeschool under the private tutor law if the parent providing instruction has a teaching certificate. The parent must file once with the local superintendent and provide 180 days of instruction. There are no subject, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements.

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  • Homeschool statute: Parents must apply for approval from the local school committee. Parents must provide “thorough and efficient” instruction in reading, writing, geography, arithmetic, history, and government, to operate for a term “substantially equal” to that of public schools, and to keep attendance records. There are no parent qualifications. The form of assessment required, along with the form of intervention in case of lack of progress, is determined by the local school committee, with the option of appeal. Learn more. 

South Carolina’s homeschool statute offers three options:

  • School district: Parents must apply to the district board of trustees for approval to homeschool, have a high school diploma or GED, provide 180 days of instruction in a variety of required subjects, maintain basic academic records for inspection, and have their children take the same annual Basic Skills Assessment Program as students attending public school. There is an intervention process for homeschooled children not making adequate academic progress SECTION 59-65-40. Home schooling programs. (OPTION 1).
  • South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools: Parents must be members of the South Carolina Association of Independent Home Schools. Parents must have a high school diploma or GED and provide 180 days of instruction in a variety of required subjects. There are no bookkeeping or assessment requirements. SECTION 59-65-45. Alternative home schooling requirements. (OPTION 2)
  • Homeschool association with at least fifty members: Parents must be members of a homeschool association with at least fifty members. Parents must have a high school diploma or GED, provide 180 days of instruction in a variety of required subjects, and maintain basic academic records. There is no assessment requirement. SECTION 59-65-47. Associations for home schools; requirements. (OPTION 3)

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  • Alternative instruction provision: South Dakota law exempts students receiving “alternative instruction” from compulsory school attendance. Parents must file an exemption certificate with the Department of Education or local school district. There are no parent qualifications, days of instruction, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements. Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: There are four legal options, two of which are nearly identical. First, parents may homeschool under Tennessee’s homeschool statute. Parents must provide annual notice to the director of schools, have a high school diploma or GED, provide 180 days of instruction, maintain attendance and vaccination records, and have their children tested after grades 5, 7, and 9. While there are no subject requirements, students’ test results must be turned in to the director of schools, and there is an intervention process for students who fall too far behind in reading, language arts, mathematics, or science.
  • Umbrella school: Parents may homeschool in association with or as satellite campuses of church-related schools. Parents choosing these options must provide 180 days of instruction, and the church-related school must provide notice to the local director of schools. There are no state teacher qualification, subject, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements.
  • Distance learning program: Parents may enroll a child in a distance learning program run by an accredited private school. These students are officially private school students, and all requirements are at the discretion of the school.

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  • Private school: Parents may operate a homeschool as a private school. Parents must provide instruction in good citizenship, math, reading, spelling, and grammar. There are no notification, parent qualification, instruction time, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements. Learn more.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must file a one-time notice with their local school district. There are no parent qualification, bookkeeping, instruction subject, or assessment requirements.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must submit annual notice to the Vermont Department of Education, provide instruction in a comprehensive list of required subjects, and submit an attestation that their children will be assessed annually (via standardized test, portfolio review, or written report). There are no parent qualifications nor intervention measures. Parents are required to make adaptions to accommodate the needs of children with disabilities.
  • Homeschool statute: Parents must provide annual notice to the division superintendent, have a high school diploma or GED (or provide evidence of the parent’s ability to provide an adequate education), offer 180 days of instruction, maintain attendance records, and have their children assessed annually (by standardized test or portfolio review). While there are no subject requirements, assessments must be turned into the division superintendent who will begin a remediation process if a homeschooled student is not receiving an “adequate education.”
  • Religious exemption: Parents and children who have religious objections to school attendance may opt out of all education requirements by providing notice of their objections to the division superintendent. Various school districts enforce this provision differently.
  • Private tutor: Parents with teaching certificates may homeschool under the private tutor law. The parent must file a copy of the teaching certificate with the district superintendent, provide 180 days of instruction, and maintain immunization records. There are no subject or assessment requirements.

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West Virginia’s homeschool statute offers two options:

  • Approval: Parents must apply for the approval of the local school board, filing information and records as required. Parents must provide 180 days of instruction. The school board sets any teacher qualification, subject, and assessment requirements.
  • Notice: Parents must provide one-time notice to the local superintendent. The parent providing instruction must have a high school diploma or equivalent and must have their children assessed annually (by standardized test or portfolio review) and submit this assessment after grades 3, 5, 8, and 11. There are no required hours of instruction, but parents are required to provide instruction in reading, language, mathematics, science, and social studies and must maintain copies of students’ assessment for three years. There is an intervention process for students not making acceptable progress.

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  • Homeschool statute: Parents must provide annual notice to the local superintendent, meet one of four parent qualifications, provide 180 days of instruction in a variety of required subjects, and have their children assessed annually (by testing or portfolio review). Parents are not required to submit the assessments to the local superintendent, but must maintain these documents in the home.
  • Umbrella school: Parents may operate homeschools as “extension programs” of approved private schools. Parents must provide 180 days of instruction in a variety of required subjects and be under the supervision of a certified individual employed by the school who will assist in planning instruction, maintaining student records, and evaluating student progress.

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Homeschool statute: Parents must file annually with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and provide  875 hours of instruction in “a sequentially progressive curriculum of fundamental instruction in reading, language arts, math, social studies, science and health.” There are no parent qualification, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements. Learn more.

  • Homeschool statute: Parents must submit a curricular plan to the local board of trustees each year (no approval is necessary) and provide a “sequentially progressive curriculum” in required subjects. There are no parent qualification, days of instruction, bookkeeping, or assessment requirements. Learn more.


Learn more about homeschooling requirements in Canadian provinces here.

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