Empower Virginia’s homeschooled children: Say yes to SB 1031

Protect Nebraska’s homeschooled children — say no to LB 1027

Right now, Virginia’s education committee is discussing SB 1031, a bill that would protect every homeschooled child’s right to a basic education. It would require all homeschooling families to report that their child made academic progress and notify their local school district that they’re homeschooling every year. 

We need your help to support SB 1031.

What SB 1031 does

The statute removes entirely the compulsory education requirement for parents who assert a religious belief against public education. Many adults who were homeschooled under this statute have reported severe educational neglect. Currently, at least 6,700 Virginian children are being homeschooled under this statute. 

SB 1031 changes that by ensuring that all children homeschooled in Virginia, for whatever reason, are homeschooled under the same requirements, which include showing each year that the child has made academic progress. 

How can I help?

Virginia residents: Contact the state senators in the education committee and tell them to say yes to SB 1031.

If you were homeschooled in Virginia, please consider sharing your story when you contact the state senators about this bill. Were you educationally neglected? Did you see educational neglect happening around you? What did that mean for you and your community? Share your experience, and explain how vulnerable homeschooled children can be. Remember: as homeschooled people, the most powerful tool we have is our stories.

I am a Virginia resident and I am calling to urge the senator to vote YES on SB 1031, which is in the Education and Health Committee. Right now, it is completely legal for parents not to educate children homeschooled under the religious exemption statute. Virginia is the only state in the country with this loophole, and it is hurting children. Please tell the Senator to vote YES on SB 1031.

Hashmi: 804-698-7515, senatorhashmi@senate.virginia.gov

Lucas: 804-698-7518, senatorlucas@senate.virginia.gov

Locke: 804- 698-7523, senatorlocke@senate.virginia.gov

Suetterlein: 804-698-7504, senatorsuetterlein@senate.virginia.gov

Peake: 804-698-7508, senatorpeake@senate.virginia.gov

Pillion: 804-698-7506, senatorpillion@senate.virginia.gov

Favola: 804-698-7540, senatorfavola@senate.virginia.gov

Boysko: 804-698-7538, senatorboysko@senate.virginia.gov

Bagby: 804-698-7514, senatorbagby@senate.virginia.gov

Head: 804-698-7503, senatorhead@senate.virginia.gov

Aird: 804-698-7513, senatoraird@senate.virginia.gov

VanValkenburg: 804-698-7516, senatorvanvalkenburg@senate.virginia.gov

Durant: 804-698-7527, senatordurant@senate.virginia.gov

Craig: 804-698-7519, senatorcraig@senate.virginia.gov

Everyone: Spread the word about SB 1031.

  • Talk about Virginia SB 1027 on social media, especially if you have followers in Virginia.
  • Follow CRHE on Instagram, Bluesky, and Facebook for updates.
  • Talk with your friends and family about how under-regulated homeschooling is – most people in good faith assume homeschooling has regulations and are surprised to learn that’s not the case.
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