So You Have a Deficient Homeschool Education. What Next?

If you were homeschooled, but have reached adulthood with a deficient education, you should know that this is not your fault—and that you are not alone. Don’t give up hope! You can get through this. Josh Powell reached adulthood with a deficient homeschool education and went on to attend Georgetown University. The path ahead of you may be difficult, but it is not impossible.

Here are some options you may want to think about as you consider your future:

  1. One option is to write your own diploma and transcript.

In some cases, homeschooled students may find ways to self educate but their parents may fail to create a high school transcript and diploma for them. If this describes your situation, you may be able to create your own transcript and diploma and have your parents sign them. We have heard from many alumni who have done this. You can find information on how to create both documents here and here.

  1. A second option is to get your GED or high school equivalency.

Every state makes adult basic education classes available, usually for free or for a small fee. Taking these classes will allow you to make up the material you missed and prepare you to take a high school equivalency test, or GED, which can be used in place of a high school diploma in the workforce and in college. You can also study to take the GED on your own; this page offers free GED practice tests.

  1. A third option is to attend community college.

Most community colleges do not require a high school transcript or GED to take classes. This can give you a chance to make academic progress and gain college credits even with a deficient educational background. However, be aware that you may later find that an employer or university (in case of a transfer) requires a high school transcript or GED even for those with community college coursework under their belts.

Once you are an adult, your education is in your own hands. This can be intimidating, but also exciting! Whether you get your GED, take community college courses, or join the workforce, all of that is up to you. A deficient homeschool education may slow you down or make your path more challenging, but it does not have to hold you back permanently.