HARO Survey, Installment 4

In 2014, HARO, the parent organization of Homeschoolers Anonymous, conducted a survey of adult alumni of the modern Christian homeschool movement in consultation with the Coalition for Responsible Home Education (CRHE). The purpose of this survey was to investigate the life experiences of Christian homeschool alumni by collecting information that past surveys of homeschool alumni had not.

Installment 4: Food and Health

Installment Four of the 2014 HARO Survey examines the reported attitudes of respondents’ families towards food and modern medicine. In general, we find that respondents’ families highly valued food that was healthy, cheap, and homemade, as was reflected by the prevalence of homesteading and fad diets. Between 10% and 20% of respondents reported negative food experiences and food used as punishment. Additionally, though on average respondents’ families had a positive attitude towards mainstream medicine, around 15% reported that their families preferred alternative medicine.

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